A customized Epicor ERP Approval Module is created for General Ledger journals and supply chain modules including approval for Purchase Orders, AP invoices and AP payments, where a user enters the transaction and submits for approval.
Escalation of approval can be setup based on the chart of account and all applicable account segments for multiple books as well as multiple COA.
The approval module is configured for Epicor multi-Company functionality.
Complex transactions amount limits (matrix) with complex multi-approver setup can be easily configured through Routing Rule setup.
Bank wise AP payments approval can be handled.
Approver amount up to 17 digit i.e. One hundred quadrillion is handled.
Transactions with multi-currency functionality and desired approval hierarchy.
Alternate Approver can be setup for a specific validity period if any of the approvers are on leave.
Approval Module uses Epicor ERP Customization tools, native C# coding and user defined tables.
At any time, authorized users are able to track the status of the transactions submitted for approval.
Users are able to trace complete information of the approvals that have already taken place as well as any pending approvals at any given point in time.
Only authorized approvers or disapprovers can see or approve/disapprove the transactions.
Multiple records can be approved/disapproved at one go.
In addition to the ability of tracking transaction approvals or disapprovals, the history of all changes to configuration is maintained as Audit Trail.
While approving or disapproving the transaction, the approver can drill down to the source Epicor transaction to verify details of the transaction. It uses default as well as customized Trackers.
While approving or disapproving, the approver can sort or summarize the listed approval transactions.